
  • Tellington-TTouch Training – workshops, talks and sessions
  • Equine handling, training and support – horse-led sessions designed to help you and your horse work as a partnership
  • Coaching – Connection Sessions, Love Your Horse, Love Yourself, 1:1 Coaching (virtual or face to face)

Equine handling, training and support

My focus is to help you strengthen your confidence within yourself and between you and your horse. I have a belief that the more we are able to separately identify our own needs from those of our horses the more able we are to make good decisions that are good and feel good for both.

Each session is tailored according to the particular needs of you and your horse and are very much horse-led, incorporating approaches from various professionals. As a Tellington TTouch Training practitioner I will work with you, your vet, physio, chiropractor and other professionals you have supporting you, to help you devise your rehabilitation programme.   A session for you and your horse will be tailored according to the combination of both your needs but will very much be led by your horse in terms of them showing us what they need.  We will look at the history, the current situation and also what time, energy and effort you are able to commit to. Sometimes just changing one small thing can make a big difference, so my intention is to understand what is important to you and what is the most problematic for you both. Sometimes, it is not the thing we think it is that needs to change.   I will then help you learn the relevant TTouches and exercises that will help your horse and that resonate with you too. As part of the programme, I offer ongoing telephone and email support to help you in between sessions and have separate coaching programmes available if you wish to really get to grips with your progress

It is not always possible to keep our horses in an environment we would consider ideal, or ride or handle them as much or in a way as we think we should or ought.. however, once we have absolute confidence in ourselves that we are doing the best we can, are committed to learning about our horses needs and are truly making decisions with the best of intentions, then it becomes much easier to let go of the anxiety and worry over whether we are doing the ‘right thing’ or what people say.  Learning to read what our horses are communicating to us through their posture, balance and behaviour is a powerful way to start deciphering what is truly going on for them. It is very easy to put habitual behaviours and personality traits in and around the field and stable into a ‘normal’ category, at the same time as spending lots of time, effort and money on having lessons, buying supplements and calmers or trying to correct specific problems.  Though of course the issues may not be related, there is also a strong possibility they are.. and that by gaining a different perspective through doing some specific mindful work focused on improving posture and balance we can gain much greater awareness and understanding of what is actually happening and what needs to happen for the situation to improve.


All sessions will incorporate some form of coaching. Specifically, I have trained as a personal development coach plus in equine assisted facilitation so when I’m working with you and your horse, I am callibrating what I’m observing to what I hear is happening for both you and your horse individually and the resultant impact on you both. It could be directly related to any handling issues you may be having or creating uncomfortable tension and mistrust within your relationship. How I coach depends on what is happening in the moment and what we need to address – with safety being the priority. After safety, yours and your horses health and well-being are next. Once we have a plan for those elements then we can start looking at your goals and outcomes.

I also have programmes that run online, away from the horses, such as my Love Your Horse, Love Yourself programme. This and 1:1 coaching sessions are designed to give you time and space away from your horse to enable you to work through the ‘stuff’ that is coming up but the physical presence of your horse is not required or necessary.